35 Funny Words For School Children, Unforgettable Memories

Funny Words For School Children

Many people think that school is the happiest time in life. During this time, a lot of funny and fun things happened.

During school, you don't have to worry about financial problems or life problems that often haunt adults.

School is a vehicle where a person takes formal education. However, for students, school is not just a place to learn.

There are many fun moments at school, ranging from finding a first boyfriend, new friends, to various funny events that can't be forgotten.

The main obligation of school children is only to study so there is still plenty of free time to try new things.

This is important so that students can seek knowledge and experience during school as much as possible as adults in the future.

Everything they experience is often uploaded on social media. Not infrequently they make captions about the events they experienced with funny words that invite laughter and entertain people who read them.

For those of you who miss the old school days, here are 35 funny school children's words.

1. "Do not gain knowledge because in the well there is no knowledge, later you will only be tired of going up and down the bucket".

2. "There is a disease that is dangerous, but not bloody in psychology, namely when we see our boyfriend cheating in front of our eyes".

3. "College is difficult, you won't be strong so just get married".

4. "One of the pleasures of school children is to go home early".

5. “To be honest, so far I have never used a rubber eraser from new to the end because it has only been used once and has been lost, I have even seen it mutilated into several pieces and then lost one by one” .

6. “Actually, sometimes we are confused with the teacher's thinking. If we are late, usually they will be angry, even though we are happy when they come late to teach.”

7. “A disciple asked his teacher why there is only one sun. Then one of his friends replied, just one is enough to make my skin burn let alone two".

8. "When you get good marks in a test and then show it to your parents and they just say, 'Get good marks'. It hurts here".

9. "When the pen falls in the classroom in an instant he will move to another dimension".

10. "Happy is when you want to take an exam, but the teacher doesn't come".

Funny Words For School Children

11. "He is busy making cheats at night, when he wants to cheat, he is confused which formula to use".

12. “The difficulty of school lessons makes some students aspire to become God so that everything can be done”.

13. "The most stressful moment for schoolchildren is when caught cheating".

14. "It seems our relationship has to end because this is like a symbiosis of parasitism".

15. "Many memorization sometimes makes me remember one, but forget the other. However, there is only one that I will never forget, that is you".

16. "Although our distance is like the planet Uranus and the sun during the ephehelium, the amplitude of your heart wave can shake my heart".

17. "Right now my primary needs are clothing, food, and hope, namely the hope to be your lover".

18. "Do you know the difference between you and a physics formula? If it's a physics formula it's hard to memorize, but if you're hard to forget".

19. "Are you majoring in languages? Why can you translate my heart into yours".

20. "Even though our red date is school holidays, but I miss you, I don't know the word vacation and I'm tired".

21. "Should we swap bones? You become my rib and I'll be your backbone".

22. “Your eyes seem to have full speed to be able to penetrate the distance in the space of my heart”.

23. "Sorry if all this time I made you the second because for me the first is God Almighty".

Funny Words For School Children

22. "Tell him that the weight is not missing, but losing weight".

25. "My love for you is like a tectonic earthquake that will suddenly vibrate when you pass before my eyes".

26. "If you were the earth then I would be the atmosphere that always protects you from the meteors and comets that will strike".

27. "I don't think that you will accept my love like Newton's third law which has the same magnitude between action and reaction forces".

28. “Teachers often say that healthy food is 4 healthy 5 perfect, but I have never tasted perfection before you became mine”.

29. "I used to like chemistry lessons, but not anymore because I like you".

30. "After graduation, I just want to join the police so I can catch the thief of my heart".

31. "To today's schoolchildren, your hand is your tiger, your mouth is no longer your tiger".

32. "Cigarettes are harmless as long as you remember not to light them."

33. "Good days are sure to come, so you don't have to worry about Saturday and Sunday".

34. “When your life feels dark then pray because only God can make your heart light and calm. However, if you have prayed it still feels dark, then immediately go to PLN to pay the electricity bill.”

35. “The national examination is the smallest part of the life test”.

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