20 Funny words of wisdom entertaining

Funny words of wisdom

A monotonous life of course makes life less interesting. Especially if we are feeling sadness or disappointment, of course we need something that can cheer us up and restore our spirits.

One of the things that can make a good mood, is to read funny words of wisdom. In addition to entertaining, funny wise words can also restore lost enthusiasm.

Funny wisdom words can make us laugh out loud and forget the things that make our hearts sad. These funny wise words can be shared on social media statuses, so that others stay entertained and encourage others.

In order not to be confused looking for funny funny wise words that are entertaining, here we summarize funny wise words.

Funny words of wisdom entertaining

Funny words of wisdom

1. "Wise men do not marry, After marriage they become wise here and there."

2. “Failure is delayed success…a lie is honesty delayed.”

3. "I want my heart to hold the mountain, but what power does the neighbor have."

4. "There is no hard work in this world. Every hard work will feel light if it is not done."

5. “Honey… this morning I couldn't eat because I missed you, in the afternoon I didn't eat because I was thinking about you, and at night I couldn't sleep because I was hungry.”

6. "Humans were created in pairs, and if you are still single until now, your soul mate may have died in infancy."

7. “Success begins with a dream, and dreams come while we sleep. So if you all want to be successful then it's better to sleep right now.”

8. “Beautiful women are not a guarantee for a happy and joyful life, but more so, ugly women.”

9. “In a healthy butt, there is a strong fart.”

10. “Love the neighbors, But don't get caught.”

11. “Money isn't everything… There's still Mastercard and Visa.”

12. “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

13. "Silence is gold, gold is yellow, yellow is dung, so be quiet."

14. “When you achieve success, then your friends will see who you really are. But when you fall, you will see who your friends are who will laugh at you."

15. "Every problem will have a root for its solution, if you haven't found it, then dig and look for the root until it's old."

16. “If your intelligence is not able to convince and amaze someone, then confuse him with your stupidity.”

17. “Smart is someone who can master difficult subjects, but the smart one is someone who can imitate the smart.”

18. “Failure delays success so lies delay honesty.”

19. “Stifling laughter is unhealthy. Laughter will descend and your pants will get wet."

20. “I don’t drool over wealth or throne…but I drool when I sleep on my side.”

Read more : Funny Words Status On Social Media

Words of Wisdom Funny Encouraging Life

Funny words of wisdom

21. “Clothing is a protective fence, The fence must protect without obstructing a beautiful view.”

22. “First raft swims to shore… sick first, happy later.”

23. "Never fall in love with the same village, because even one village is troublesome, how about one village?"

24. “Practicing makes us perfect, but nobody is perfect, so why bother practicing?”

25. “Because of a speck of indigo,. The milk pot that broke… Because of that beautiful woman… I forgot that I was wearing pants.”

26. “The more we learn, the more we know, The more we know, the more we forget, The more we forget, the less we know. So why are we busy studying?"

27. “If someone throws a stone at you, don't throw it back. Reply with a smile and throw flowers at him.. But try throwing the pot too."

28. “Beautiful women are not a guarantee of a pleasant life, let alone an ugly one.”

29. "Look for a wife who (likes to forget to wear a bra) so (once wants to add) & becomes a husband READY (Ready to fight in any style)."

30. "There is no hard work, no matter how hard the work is, it will feel light if we don't do it."

31. "Don't try to keep friends, because maybe your friends don't want to be skinny."

32. “Some people can't break up with a boyfriend because they still love him, but some can't because they don't have a girlfriend.”

33. "Regret will always come at the end, because at the beginning it's called registration."

34. “Be the most grateful for what has been given. If you are an ugly person, then be grateful to be something to be proud of."

35. “If today you fail, then never give up. Keep repeating your failures until your boss gives up.”

36. “Money is not everything, but everything will cost money.”

37. “Beauty is relative, depending on the location of the camera and the intensity of the light.”

38. "Single should never feel ashamed, being single doesn't mean not selling, but nobody wants to."

39. "As high as a crane will fly, it will eventually become soy sauce."

40. "Don't marry women from the same village, marry only one woman."

Read more : Funny Words For School Children

Popular Funny Words of Wisdom

Funny words of wisdom

41. “Learn a lot and then forget a lot, study a little and then forget a little. So if you don't study, you won't forget.”

42. “Where there are roads, there must be many vehicles.”

43. "Work hard until the neighbors think your sustenance is the result of pesugihan."

44. "Stop looking for the perfect person. Just find someone who has money, a car and a house."

45. "Success begins with a dream. Therefore, let's sleep more."

46. "You don't need motivational words, all you need is the word 'big discount'."

47. “Don't repeat the same mistakes. There are still many other errors to try.

48. "Where there is opportunity, there is public funding."

49. "His name is also alive. There must be a lot of trials. If you do a lot of laundry, then you do laundry."

50. "Problems can make us more mature, so we often have problems."

51. "If you want to have a partner who can make your life rich, don't look for a partner, look for wealth."

52. "How many people still live in neglect. While their shrouds are being woven."

47. “Don't repeat the same mistakes. There are still many other errors to try.

53. "Knowledge is like underwear, if you really have it, don't flaunt it."

54. "For math, grow up and solve your own problems. I'm tired of solving yours."

55. "Once rowing, two or three days the wound does not go away."

56. "When life closes a door for you, just open it again. It's just a door, that's how it works."

57. "Don't dwell on failure. It's exhausting just ruffling clothes and apologizing, let alone sucking."

58. "Just be patient, your heart is like a tango. How many layers? Hundreds."

59. "Silence won't solve problems, but silence won't cause problems either."

60. “Learn from armpit hair even though it is always squeezed but still strong to survive and continue to grow.”

Thus a collection of wise words for this time, hopefully entertaining and motivating

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