Here are 7 Ways to Quickly Add a Subscription to YouTube

youtube subscribers
Image by Felovena01

You have a YouTube channel but there are only dozens of subscribers. Then how do you add a subscription to YouTube?

You can find the subscribe button below each YouTube video or on the channel page. After subscribing to a channel, every new video published by that channel will appear in your subscription feed.

You can also start receiving notifications when a subscription channel publishes new content. If you have a lot of customers, you have the opportunity to earn big money as a YouTuber. Here's how to add to your YouTube subscription quickly and safely:

1. Must-Have Interesting Content

In order for you to have many customers, you must have interesting content and videos. Videos uploaded must be funny or spooky videos and entertaining videos. It can also video about the latest news.

2. Upload Routine Videos

Here, the main thing is productivity. The more videos you upload, the more fans you have. Don't forget about video quality if you upload videos regularly.

You can upload it every weekend. Someone is already waiting for your video.

3. Share Video Link to Instagram, WhatsApp, and More

How to add a subscription to YouTube next, you can use social media like Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter to publish your content. Do this after finishing uploading the video. Guaranteed, eventually, your YouTube channel will also have many subscribers.

4. Give Popular Keywords

Don't underestimate the power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is not only used in written articles. To upload videos, you must optimize SEO. Optimize SEO by providing popular keywords.

YouTube can read the name of your video file and all the code when you upload a video. So if the keyword you want to use is how to plant chili, then make it the name of your video file followed by video formats such as MP4, MOV, and others.

You can also use tags to tell visitors about the video. By tagging, you not only tell your viewers, but you also tell YouTube. YouTube will then associate your video with another video. This can expand the reach of video content. Remember, don't just tag. Mark relevant video content.

5. Create a Short Title

Just like an article, make a concise title. Make the title clear and concise. Keywords have a big role even if they are listed in the title, especially if the title matches what the viewer is looking for.

Videos with keywords that are also listed in the title are slightly superior to those who do not implement them. 60 characters are the safe limit so that the title is not truncated on the result page.

6. Learn and Apply Tips from YouTube

YouTube provides various tips so that everyone can succeed on YouTube. Many tutorials make quality videos and tips to increase the number of visitors. To get it, study it well, and practice their suggestions.

7. Translate your video

Translating videos is one way to add subscribers on YouTube. You can see in analytics, where your video viewers are coming from. If there is one European or American country, install the translation. For testing, you can translate one video with the most number of viewers.

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