5 Interesting and Educating Children's Tales

Along with technological developments, many storytelling activities for children are abandoned by parents. Although reading children's stories before going to bed as we will discuss here has many benefits.

Among other things, this activity can bring the relationship between parents and children closer. The child feels cared for and has a special time directed at him.

In terms of cognitive, vocabulary and the ability to imagine children will increase. You can also train your child's memory by asking the core of the story you read before.

Through children's stories before bed, you can also introduce the concepts of color and shape. No less important, you can instill important moral messages to have in the future.

If you are confused about choosing the story you want to read, here we have provided 5 children's stories that are interesting and educational. There are children's stories from various parts of the world, some from within the country. You can read further directly below.

Short Stories of Children

Interesting and Educating Children's Tales

If you are not used to reading children's stories before going to bed, your son or daughter may feel bored quickly. You can try reading a story that isn't too long to start.

1. Magic Mirror

Once, there was a king named Granada who was looking for a wife. He also held contests. Anyone who wants to be his wife must look in the magic mirror that is able to show his goodness and ugliness during his life.
The women who initially wanted to become queens were immediately prevented from listening to this requirement. They are worried and ashamed if everyone knows their boils.

There is only one woman who dares to submit. He is a shepherd who comes from a lower middle class family. Not because he felt he had never sinned. But according to him, everyone must have made a mistake. As long as you want to improve, everything can be forgiven.
Without hesitation and fear, he looked in the mirror. After that, the king said that the mirror was actually just an ordinary mirror. He just wanted to test the confidence of the women who were there. In the end, they married and lived happily ever after.
This bedtime fairy tale from Spain has a moral message. Namely that making mistakes is a natural thing and includes human nature. What's important, keep improving yourself so you don't repeat the same mistakes.

Another message, don't worry too much about things that haven't happened. Not necessarily fear is real. Who knows, behind this fear, there are many beautiful things waiting for us.

2. sun island

In ancient times, there was a brother who had just been killed by his father. The father left a legacy that should be enough for both of them.
It's just that, the older brother has a greedy nature. He took all the assets and left only a basket and a knife for his sister. A kind sister can only surrender to accept two objects.
One day, there was a giant bird that invited his sister to go to Pulau Matahari which was full of gold. However, he was only allowed to take one gold chip. After returning to earth, he sold gold and lived comfortably.
The sister who knows the story is jealous. He pretended to be poor and deceived the bird to take him to Pulau Matahari. Even though he was only allowed to take gold coins, he wanted to bring everything home instead.
Unexpectedly, the bird turned out to have left it. Because it was too long there, the older brother was finally burned by the heat of the sun.

Besides that, there are children's stories before going to bed from China. Reading the story above, of course you can deduce what moral message is in it. Namely not to be greedy and take the rights of others. Especially if he is our own brother.

In addition, we must also be grateful for whatever God has given us. With gratitude, we can suppress envy and the desire to get something we don't have.

3. Clever lions and wolves

In ancient times, there lived a wolf (a type of wolf and dog) in the forest. One day, the arrival of a lion wants to eat it. Not lacking in reason, he devised a plan to escape.
He told the lion that the large stone above them would soon collapse and kill them both. Jakal then asked the lion to hold the stone, while he would go for a while to look for the retaining wood.
The lion who believes holds the stone. A few hours later when the wolf never returned, he realized that he had been fooled. He left feeling upset and hungry stomach.

The message contained in this bedtime story from a child from South Africa, sometimes ingenuity can defeat strength. In addition, there is always a way to get out of trouble as long as we want to try to find it.

If a child has difficulty imagining what a wolf is like, you can replace it with an animal that is identical to the ingenuity in Indonesia, deer.

4. Arrogant Tortoise

There is an arrogant turtle and feels he is more worthy of flying than swimming in the waters. He was upset because he had a hard shell that made his body feel heavy.
He was annoyed to see his friends were satisfied with swimming. When you see birds that are free to fly in the sky, their irritation increases.
One day, this turtle forced a goose to help it fly. The goose agreed. He suggested that the turtle hold on to a piece of wood he would lift.
Because the tortoise's hand is rather weak, he uses a stronger mouth. He finally can fly and feel proud.
Seeing his friends swim, he wants to brag. He forgets that his mouth must continue to be used to bite the wood. He also fell down. Luckily, he survived thanks to the shell he hated.

Pride will bring disaster. That is the moral message to be conveyed in this bedtime story from the Philippines.

You can tell the child so he grows up to be a humble person. Having a dream is good. But don't let that goal be achieved, we bring down other people who aren't as lucky as us.

5. Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, there were geese who could issue golden eggs every day. The goose is owned by a farmer and his wife. They can live comfortably and adequately thanks to these eggs.
This comfort lasts long enough. But one day, suddenly there was an idea in the mind of the farmer. "Why do I have to get one egg per day? Why don't I take everything at once and get rich?"
His wife apparently agreed with the idea. They also slaughtered geese and split the stomach. How shocked they were when they saw that the stomach only contained blood and meat. There are no eggs at all, let alone gold.
They cry a lot. There is no fixed source of income that they can rely on anymore. They must work hard to live tomorrow.

The message conveyed in the Aesop children's bedtime stories is almost similar to the story of the previous Sun Island. That is to avoid greed and always be grateful for God's blessings.

Trying is important. But don't justify any means to get something we don't have. It is not impossible we even lose everything as experienced by the husband and wife farmers above.

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