What is Educational Psychology, Examples and Goals? Here's the full discussion

Educational Psychology

Have you ever heard the term or the word Psychology, this word is always associated with a person's soul. Currently psychology has been widely studied, especially in universities. Do on this occasion we will give or briefly discuss what is meant by educational psychology which you can read below.

Definition and Scope of Educational Psychology

Educational psychology is the systematic study of the processes and factors associated with education. From the above limitation, it can be seen that there is a very strong relationship between educational psychology and the act of learning.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some educational psychologists say that the main field of study in educational psychology is learning. In other words, educational psychology focuses on issues related to processes and factors related to the act of learning.

Because of its concentration on learning problems which are problems that are always inherent in student subjects, the main consumers of educational psychology in general are educators. They are indeed required to master this field of science so that in carrying out their functions they can create conditions that have a great impetus for effective learning to take place.

Understanding Psychology and Educational Psychology

Psychology which in the old term is called psychology comes from the English word psychology. The word psychology comes from two Greek words, namely one psyche which means soul, and dialogues which means knowledge. Psychology is more associated with the life of the human organism.

In this connection, psychology is defined as the science that seeks to understand human behavior, the reasons for and the way they do things, and also to understand how these creatures think and feel. First, psychology is the study (education) of the spirit. Second, psychology is the science of mental life. Third, psychology is the science of the behavior of organisms.

Chaplin (1972) in the Dictionary of Psychology defines psychology as the science of human and animal behavior, as well as the investigation of organisms in all their variations and complexities when reacting to environmental currents and changes and social events that change the environment.

Psychology comes from the Greek words psyche which means soul and logos which means knowledge. So etymologically (according to the meaning of the word) psychology means the science that studies the soul, both regarding various symptoms, processes and backgrounds, or is called psychology.

Speaking of the soul, we must first be able to distinguish between life and soul. Life is a physical force that depends on physical life and gives rise to physical actions, namely actions caused by the learning process For example: instincts, reflexes, lust and so on.

If the body dies, the soul dies. While the soul is an abstract spiritual life force, which becomes the mover and regulator of all personal actions (personal behavior) of higher animals and humans. Personal needs are actions as a result of the learning process made possible by physical, spiritual, social and environmental conditions.

The learning process is a process to improve personality (personality) by trying to gain new understanding, new values, and new skills, so that he can do more successfully, in the face of contradictions in life. So the soul contains understanding, cultural values and skills.

The definition of psychology above shows the various opinions of psychologists. These differences stem from differences in the starting point of experts in studying and discussing the life of this complex soul.

And from this understanding at least it can be concluded that psychology is a science that studies all individual behavior and actions, where the individual cannot be separated from his environment.

In maintaining and providing moral and intellectual intelligence. Furthermore, according to the KBBI education is the process of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training efforts. Educational Psychology is a discipline of psychology that investigates psychological problems that occur in the world of education.

Meanwhile, according to the American Encyclopedia, the notion of educational psychology is a more principled science in teaching that involves discovering and applying principles and ways to increase efficiency in education.

From the description above, we can know the meaning of psychology and its meaning itself. As long or as long as we still think that psychology is a science that tries to discuss all aspects of personality.

By looking at its use in practice, both individually and in relation to other humans or their environment, it can be said that educational psychology is actually included in psychology, and does not need to be questioned or separated into a separate scientific discipline.

Education can be said that education is a branch of psychology in the psychology of growth and development of children, both physically and mentally, which is very closely related to educational problems, especially those affecting the process and success of learning.

  • Study Objects of Psychology and Educational Psychology
  • Psychology Study Object

The object of Psychology is divided into 2, namely:

A material object is something that is discussed, studied or sought, or an uncertain thing that is determined or something that is the target of thought, material objects include anything, both concrete (spiritual, values, ideas).

The object is human. the way a person moves how he looks at something and sees it through his eyes. In this paper, we will not discuss animal psychology or animal psychology, but will discuss psychology with human objects.

1. General Psychology

What is General Psychology?

General psychology is psychology that studies and studies human psychic activities or activities in general that are mature, normal, and civilized (cultured).

2) Special Psychology

Psychology which studies and special aspects of human psychic activity. Specific matters that deviate from general matters are disseminated in special psychology.

Educational Psychology Study Object

The object of the study of psychology without the teacher's psychological problems lies in the students. Because the nature of education is a special service for students. According to Glover and Ronning that the object of psychological study includes topics on student growth and development, heredity and the environment, student individual differences, potential and characteristics of student behavior, measurement.

Knowledge of student psychology is very important in education. Therefore, knowledge of educational psychology should be a necessity for teachers, even for everyone who realizes himself as an educator.

What are the limitations of the object of psychological study?

Broadly speaking, many objects of study in educational psychology are divided into three types:

1. Regarding learning, which includes theories, principles, and characteristics of student learning behavior, and so on.

2. Regarding the learning process, namely the stages of actions and events that occur in student learning activities;

3. Regarding the learning situation, namely the atmosphere and environmental conditions, both physical and non-physical related to student learning activities.

Scope of Educational Psychology

If we ask about the (scope of) educational psychology, it means asking about what educational psychology is talking about, then based on various educational psychology books, different answers will be obtained.

Some books show a broad scope, while other books show a narrower or limited scope. Books with a wider scope usually cover development, heredity and environment, mental health, evaluation of learning and so on.

While books with a narrower scope usually revolve around the teaching and learning process. This difference is greatly influenced by the author in writing a book. There are those who only intend to provide an introduction, so the discussion is quite broad, but will not be in-depth.

On the other hand, there are also those whose scope of discussion is not broad, which includes the learning process, but the discussion is quite in-depth. However, educational psychology deals with the following:

  • Heredity and Environment
  • growth and development
  • Potential and Behavioral Characteristics
  • Mental Health and Education and
  • Evaluation of Educational Results

In addition, it should be noted that many educational psychology books do not have book titles with the words educational psychology in mind, even though the books are really educational psychology books, in the sense of educational psychology books, and explore a particular language. points of educational psychology.


The object of the study of psychology without the teacher's psychological problems lies in the students. Because the nature of education is a special service for students. Broadly speaking, there are many limitations to the object of the study of educational psychology into three kinds. Thus my explanation of Educational Psychology may be useful, thank you.

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