How to Make Money Blog in 6 Steps (2021)

How to Make Money Blog

You can make money from anywhere, including blogs. Blogs are not only a place to write articles, but also a place where you make money. You can earn money from your blog in many ways, from endorsements to Google AdSense.
In this article, apart from learning how to make money from a blog without capital, you will also learn about how to build a blog. What does a quality blog look like? How to create a quality blog and make money? You can read more in this article.

How to Make Money from Blogs?
This question certainly often crosses your head. Making money from a blog is very possible for all bloggers, as long as they know the steps.

You can even make blogs your main source of income. Here are 6 steps to make money from a blog:

  1. Create a Blog on the Best Blog Platforms
  2. Create Useful and Interesting Blof Content
  3. Improve Your Blog SEO Quality
  4. Promote Blog on Social Media
  5. Keep Blog Readers Trust
  6. Decide How to Monetize Your Blog

At first we mentioned about quality blogs. Why is this quality blog important in getting money from blogs? Because by building a quality blog you can make money from blogs in the long term.

So what needs to be emphasized first is the quality of your blog and then you can think about how to get rupiah later. You will not be able to make money from a low quality blog.

So make sure the quality of your blog is the best before you get rupiah later. Here's how to build a quality blog and how to make money from it:

1. Create a Blog on the Best Platform

A quality blog starts with a quality blogging platform. There are many blogging platforms that you can choose from, from Blogspot, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, to WordPress.

Which blogging platform is best for you?

Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if asked to choose, I recommend choosing WordPress. There are many reasons why WordPress is the best blogging platform for you.

First, you can use WordPress for free. Second, WordPress is suitable for use by anyone, both beginners and advanced levels. Third, high-quality WordPress generated blogs. For a full explanation of WordPress you can read here.

In essence, WordPress is perfect for you if you want to create a quality blog. For how to create a blog using WordPress, you can read more in the article on how to create a blog.

2. Create Useful and Interesting Blog Content

After you have successfully created a blog, now is the time for you to publish the content that you have set the topic for. Create useful and interesting content.

Your content can be said to be useful when readers find solutions through what you write. Remember, when readers search for keywords on Google, what they want is an answer that can solve their problem.
Apart from being useful, your content should also be interesting. Many websites and blogs cover the same topic. You must be able to beat the competition by creating useful and interesting content.

There are many ways to create engaging blog content. First, take a unique point of view. One topic can be discussed from different points of view. Try to take a unique point of view that has not been used by other blogs or websites.

Second, create a creative title. The title is the first thing the reader sees. If the title isn't catchy, they won't bother reading your article. So make sure your article title is creative and interesting.
Third, add visual media. Articles that only contain writing will be boring. We recommend adding images, photos, illustrations, infographics, or videos.

3. Improve Your Blog SEO Quality

Your blog visitors come from many sources. One of the biggest sources is Google search. Therefore, you must have good SEO qualities to attract a lot of readers from Google.

The content you write should appear on at least the first page of Google search results to make it easier for potential readers to find it. With good quality SEO, you can achieve it, even your content can rank first on Google.

Even so, building quality SEO cannot be done overnight. It takes a long time to build quality SEO. Long does not mean impossible if you follow the right guidelines.

4. Promote Blog on Social Media

Besides organic search, social media is another source of potential visitors to your blog. You can reach more potential blog readers using social media.

There are various kinds of social media that you can use, from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Kaskus, and many more. Maybe you are confused, which social media should you use to promote your blog.

5. Keep Blog Readers Trust

Starting a quality blog is not easy. And maintaining that quality is even more difficult. Although difficult, it does not mean impossible to do.

You have to maintain a consistent quality blog to keep gaining the trust of readers. Always ask for input, criticism, and suggestions from readers so that you understand what needs to be improved and maintained on your blog.

That way readers will be more loyal to your blog. And it is not impossible that they will voluntarily share your blog with their friends.

6. Decide how to monetize your blog

After creating a quality blog, you can now start thinking about how to make money blogging. Remember, without a quality blog, you can't make money blogging! So make sure to follow the steps above first.

Now is the time for you to learn how to make money from the blog that you have created. There are many ways to earn money from blogging. You can choose one or more of the methods below:

1. Source of Blog Income from Google AdSense

Google Adsense is the most popular advertising service today, owned by a big company, namely Google. This service is intended for publishers or website owners to serve ads.

Adwords and Adsense are basically the same service. The difference is, for Adwords they provide services for advertisers to buy ads.

Meanwhile, publishers make money from ads displayed on their blogs from Adsense services. For the process is quite simple:

  1. As a website owner, you put the Adsense code on your website.
  2. Advertisers or Advertisers bid on ads, and the bid with the highest price will be displayed on your website.
  3. You will be paid every time there is a click on an ad by a visitor to your website. Google will take care of billing advertisers and make sure you get paid.

Google Adsense uses complex algorithms to analyze the content of your website. This ensures that the ads that appear match your website. For example, if you have a website about cats, Adsense will display ads in the form of promotions related to pets.

The pay for each click varies from $0.1 to $5 depending on the country, competitors between advertisers and articles discussed, for Indonesia alone it ranges from $0.01 to $5.

For example, an ad that appears on a website with articles about cars costs more than a children's toy website. Simply put, cars are more expensive, so advertising investment is also more expensive.

If you want to take advantage and start making money by showing Adsense ads, please register your blog by creating an Adsense account. It usually only takes a few minutes to register.

After that you just have to wait for the notification email in a few days whether it is approved or not. If it has been accepted, it's time for you to place adsense ads on your blog.

2. Source of Blog Income from Endorsements

Maybe you often see bloggers promoting certain products or services in their blog content. Whether it's a review, unboxing, or just a product description.

What you see on this blog is support. Bloggers may work with certain companies to support their products or services. The benefits can range from cash to free products. It depends on the agreement between the blogger and the company.

You can also apply this method to make money from a blog. Usually the company will contact you first to invite cooperation. Therefore, make sure you have built a quality blog so that more companies are willing to work with you.

3. Blog Revenue Sources from Affiliates

Another way to earn money from blogs that are quite popular is with affiliate programs. Through this program you will get a commission every time a blog visitor makes a purchase or completes data through an affiliate link or banner.

The amount of commission earned varies from company to company. Some give commissions of 25 percent, 50 percent, up to 70 percent.

4. Blog Revenue Sources from Services

Through blogs, you can also offer services to blog visitors, such as website creation services, graphic design, article creation. In addition, there are many other services that you can offer according to your expertise.

Tips for sure: If you want to offer services, it is advisable to create articles related to the services you offer. For example, if you want to offer tour package services, it means that the blog you create is an article about travel.

5. Blog Income Sources from Selling Products

You can make money from your blog by selling the products you have through your blog, it can be digital products or physical products. If you have tutorial writing skills, you can create ebooks to sell. In addition to selling ebooks, for those of you who have programming skills, you can start by offering an application that you create for sale.

As for physical products, you can sell various kinds of goods. For example, if you have cooking skills, you can create snack products and sell them through your blog.

6. Blog Revenue Sources from Webinars

You can also make money blogging through webinars. Usually this method is applied by bloggers who are professional and trusted in their fields.

If you have built a positive and professional image in your field, you can also apply this method. In webinars, you can share your knowledge and professional experience. Of course, webinar participants have to pay a certain fee to be able to get it.

7. Other Blog Income Sources

Apart from the several types of ways to earn money from the blog above, there are still many ways you can try, here are three of them:

1. PayPal to accept donations – PayPal provides a tool that can be used for donations from website visitors. This is the best way to monetize a non-profit website. For more information about PayPal donations, please visit the following link

2. Infolinks – With infolinks you can place ads in text form. This ad network will pay every time there is a click from a visitor. While it will only make you pay enough money on a site with a lot of visitors, it can't hurt to give it a try.

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