I Make This Blog As An Online Storyteller

I created a blog that aims to be a storyteller in cyberspace - Storytelling, and giving a Message of Goodness through stories is the main goal of this blog.
My memory when I was little, parents often read stories, especially at night before we go to bed. In fact, there are children who cannot sleep before listening to the story. Actually, fairy tales are not just bedtime stories. There are many life values ​​that can be learned from the story. Fairy tales are a series of real or unreal events that are conveyed simply and contain good moral messages.

A true story can be history, biography or something like that. While artificial stories such as fairy tales, myths, legends or saga. Usually fairy tales about animals or fairytale behavior are often more attractive to children. Of course, fairy tales must be conveyed interestingly so that the listener is happy when the story isn't finished.

On the other hand, a message must appear not patronizing so that the children understand it faster. Various messages of kindness can be conveyed through fairy tales, such as behaving politely, faithfully, humbly, honestly, not greedy, not stealing, helping parents diligently study. This simple message is usually taught to us from an early age. Many ways can be done so that stories are more interesting, for example storytellers use props, imitate animal sounds or we use tools to describe story situations to be more alive. But I will try to tell the story in a different way, namely through articles that I pour into my blog.

Why do I choose to tell stories through blogs and online ?, which I definitely want to channel my hobbies that are really good to tell, since childhood I like to hear stories and tell stories to others, and there are other reasons, namely:

1. I Want to Continue Learning

I am not a smart person or a fairytale teacher, so I want to continue learning and sharing for others. What is wrong if I give a story but I also learn from the story.

Many say that the more we learn, the more we look stupid, the meaning of the word actually makes us realize that no matter how high your knowledge is, and as much as your knowledge, it will disappear from new things you don't know. I know, even a fool isn't really stupid unless he's crazy, fools also have knowledge other than what you know.

2. Want My Life to Be Color

From a story we can get information, from a story we can also be motivated, because I live full of problems, I don't want to show it here, so I made this blog to pour out my heart through the stories I made later, and like coloring in my real life.

Thank you for visiting here, this opening article is only for those of you who want to know what a good blog is.

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