14 Interesting Facts About Cats in the World

Facts About Cats

Cats are mysterious animals that have captivated human hearts for thousands of years. Their mysterious personality and adorable appearance have made cats very popular pets. With so many cats around you, it probably doesn't mean you know everything about them. There are so many interesting facts about cats that you may not have heard of, from the largest cat in the world, to their surprising gait.

There are at least 14 interesting facts about cats that you need to know.

1. The oldest known domesticated cat existed 9,500 years ago. 

Interesting facts about these cats are guaranteed to amaze you. Did you know that the Egyptians initially thought cats were tame? But in 2004, French archaeologists discovered a 9,500-year-old cat grave in Cyprus.

This makes the cat the oldest known pet, and it predates Egyptian art about cats by more than 4,000 years.

2. Cats spend 70 percent of their lives sleeping.

If you think cats spend most of their lives sleeping, you're right. According to the Veterinary Hub, cats actually spend 70 percent of their lives sleeping, about 13-16 hours a day. Such is the life of a cat.

3. A cat served as mayor of a town in Alaska for 20 years.

An orange cat named Stubbs was mayor of Talkeetna, a small town in Alaska for 20 years. He has several uncontested elections and although he does not hold legislative power, he is loved by locals and tourists alike.

4. The longest cat record ever was 48.5 inches. 

Domestic cats are usually thought of as very small and petite creatures. But did you know that the longest cat in the world is a Maine Coon named Stewie, and measures 48.5 inches. In fact, the record for the tallest cat is owned by Arcturus with a height of 19.05 inches. They are some big cats.

5. The richest cat in the world has 7 million pounds.

The richest cat in the world according to Guinness World Records is Blackie. When his millionaire owner died, Blackie's owner refused to acknowledge his family in his will. And vice versa, the owner gave a fortune of 7 million pounds to Blackie. You may not be able to believe the fact that this quirky cat actually happened, but it's true.

6. There was a cat walking like a camel and a giraffe.

Have you noticed that cats walk like camels and giraffes? Their walking sequence is the right foot first, followed by the left foot, so that they move half the body forward at once. Camels and giraffes are the only other animals that walk this way.

7. Isaac Newton invented the cat door.

The scientist is most famous for calculated gravity, but it is also believed that Isaac Newton invented the cat door. How Stuff Works writes that while Newton was working on his experiments at Cambridge University, he was constantly harassed by his cats scratching at the door. So he called a Cambridge carpenter to look at two holes in the door, one for the mother cat and one for the kitten. It turns out that the hole can still be seen at the university today.

8. In 1963 a cat went into space.

Maybe you've heard of monkeys and dogs in space? But did you know that cats also challenge the same things that most people don't know about? On October 18, 1963, Felicette, also known as 'Astrocat' was the first and only cat to go into space. 

9. The ancient Egyptians would shave their eyebrows when their cat died.

According to the Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Herodotus wrote in 440 BC that when a pet cat died in Ancient Egypt, family members would shave their eyebrows during mourning. Well, that's also an interesting cat fact.

10. Domestic cats share 95.6 percent of their genetics with tigers.

These cat facts will really surprise you. A study found that our little house cat has 95.6 percent the same genetic makeup as tigers. They also share many of the same behaviors such as kissing and urinating, stalking and pouncing on prey.

11. Domestic cats can reach speeds of up to 30mph.

 You know they are pretty fast, but you won't believe this cat fact. They could reach speeds of around 30mph which was so fast that they could beat Usain Bolt in a 200 meter run. 

12. The oldest cat in the world is 38 years old.

Crème Puff became the oldest cat who ever lived, at 38 years and 3 days when she died. Crème Puff, born August 3, 1967 to August 6, 2005. The owner of Crème Puff was Jake Perry who previously held the record for oldest cat, Grandpa Rex Allen, who died aged 34. Whatever Jake Perry did for his 2 pet cats, he did it right.

13. The record for the loudest purr is 67.8db (A).

The record for the loudest purr by a domestic cat is currently held by Merlin, a black and white cat from Torquay, England. It's snoring 67.8db(A) and for context, it's about the same volume as a shower. Most cats purr around 25db.

14. Didga the cat can do 24 tricks in 1 minute.

If you thought cats couldn't do tricks, you'd be surprised at this cat fact. The most tricks a cat does in one minute are 24 tricks. Didga completed a series of tricks ranging from rolling over, to even jumping over bars while skateboarding.

Read More : Cute, Unique and Adorable Cat Names

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